Tuesday 27 January 2009

Charles Stross and the pit software vendors have dug for us

Usually I try to use links as extra value to my posts rather than letting the post be about the link. If the linked-to website disappears then the post becomes useless. But in this case I'll make an exception as the blog entry I'm linking to discusses planned digital information obsolescence and I think the potential irony of playing with another form of information obsolescence is worth the risk.

Author Charles Stross sums up the problems (which I've been banging on about at work for at least the last six years) with the ever changing face of word processor files in his blog. He also provides his own solutions for it, which are not currently possible at the BBC where we're very closely aligned with Microsoft.

I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to comment on our corporate ties with that (or any other) firm, so I'll refrain from editorialising. You may read into my silence whatever you chose.

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