Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Why this blog?

You can blame the RMS Conference for this blog. Between Keith Gregory's discussion on social computing tools and Steve Bailey's enthusiasm for the whole thing, I decided that what the world needs right now is another records management-themed blog.

Actually what I came away from the conference with was a sense that if the whole wonderful world of Web 2.0 is to be tackled by records managers then we've got to get our sleeves rolled up and get stuck in with the whole thing ourselves. We all know how a regular document works, but dynamic content is a whole other matter. We're in the middle of looking at some of these issues for work and there are a whole load of issues that we've never had to deal with when managing traditional documents.

So this is my attempt to play about with the blog format. Although I already have another two personal ones, this is my first go at creating something that might have some value - even if it's just another voice joining the conversation.

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